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Plague Time Essay Contest

Plague Time

An Essay Contest Sponsored by the Department of History and Political Science

We are living in profoundly uncertain times.  The COVID-19 epidemic has disrupted all of our lives in ways that contemporary Westerners have never experienced.  As college students and faculty, we have seen our semester abruptly transformed.  But we are, in a sense, the lucky ones.  All around us are citizens who have lost jobs or seen their businesses shut down, friends and neighbors who do not know how they will provide for themselves and their families in the months ahead.  Nor do we yet know how high the numbers of the infected--or the dead--might rise.  Our societies have come to a grinding halt.  The most powerful and richest societies know to human history have been brought to a standstill by an enemy we cannot even see.

How should we think about this startling situation?  What does it mean for us now, and what will it mean in the future?  Students are invited to submit essays reflecting upon the significance--moral, political, social, or cultural--of the coronavirus epidemic.  The topic is broad in order to solicit responses from a variety of perspectives: historical, political, economic, sociological, theological.  Students may wish to engage in historical comparison, or policy analysis, or moral reflection.  Any and all approaches are welcome.  We seek essays that help us understand the present moment.

Eligibility and Guidelines:
1. The competition is open to students who have declared a major or minor in at least one of the following areas: History, Political Science, Augmented History, Humanities, or German Studies.

2. Submissions should be 3000-4000 words long and are due by midnight on April 30, 2020.  They should be sent to

3. Professors Meilaender and Esh will judge the submissions and select a winning essay, with the winner to be announced by May 15, 2020.

4. The winner will receive (a) public esteem and recognition, (b) an achievement to add to your resume, and (c) a small prize awarded by the department.


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